The Key to Successful Property Investment in San Jose

Writen by: Bob Nastasi

property investment and property managements advice

Investing in real estate can be incredibly rewarding, but the true secret lies in aligning your investment goals with a solid strategy. As the founder of A to B Property Management, I’ve learned that setting clear goals and having a matching strategy is essential for successful property investment, especially here in San Jose and the Bay Area.

I’m Bob Nastasi, and I have been working in real estate in California since 1985. I started A to B Property Management back in 1994 with the goal of providing top-notch property management services. Over the years, I’ve seen it all and learned how to navigate every challenge that comes with property investment.

To help you succeed in your property investment journey, here are some essential tips I’ve gathered over the years:

Focus on High-Growth Areas

When looking to invest, seek out neighborhoods that are already showing signs of development. In San Jose and the Bay Area, several areas are poised for rapid growth. By investing in these spots, you can avoid long waits for your investment to pay off. Real estate is generally a safe investment, but it’s even better when you see returns sooner rather than later. Do your research to find these promising locations.

Purchase Below Market Value

Buying properties for less than their market value gives you built-in equity and a safety net if the market dips. This equity can also be used to buy more investment properties, helping you grow your portfolio faster. In the competitive Bay Area market, smart investors often look for undervalued properties that need a little work but offer big returns.

Aim for Positive Cash Flow

Good cash flow means you can cover your costs and still have money left over for further investments. What counts as “good cash flow” depends on your goals, but in San Jose, rental properties with strong cash flow are especially valuable due to high housing demand. Make sure your investments generate enough income to support your portfolio and future purchases.

Have You Recently Purchased an Investment Property in San Jose?

If you’ve recently bought an investment property in or near San Jose, A to B Property Management is here to help. Since 1994, we’ve been serving the community with the local knowledge and expertise needed to manage and maximize your investment. Our team is dedicated to offering top-notch South Bay property management services to ensure you get the best returns.

We look forward to helping you succeed in the dynamic and lucrative San Jose real estate market. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in your property investment journey.


Investing in property is just the beginning of your journey. Properly managing that investment is where the real work—and rewards—begin. As a landlord, it might be tempting to handle everything yourself, but professional property management can make a world of difference.

For more insights into why you should consider professional help, check out our article 13 Reasons for Landlords to Ditch the DIY. You’ll discover the numerous benefits of working with a seasoned property management company like A to B Property Management, from saving time and reducing stress to ensuring maximum returns on your investment.

Dive into this comprehensive guide and learn how partnering with experts can transform your property investment experience.

Written by Bob Nastasi

I have been licensed as a real estate agent and loan agent in the State of California since 1985 and started A to B Realty and Property Management on August 1, 1994. We are licensed in California.

We specialize in providing property management services and Real Estate sales for the purchase of residential and commercial properties.

Our most recent success has been working closely with Bank Owned Properties in the management and sale of their assets. We advise on price, condition and needed repairs to ensure maximum return.

After 27 years of experience there is nothing I haven't encountered that I couldn't resolve and you can be sure you will be in good hands!

You can find me on facebook or write to me at